Custom Poly Out of Hours uplift for Video and Immersive Telepr... 9825217-TD

Custom Poly Out of Hours uplift for Video and Immersive Telepresence Services Uplift is 50 percent of Service MSRP
Artikelnummer: 9825217-TD
Herst. Art. Nr: PRO1063002
Hersteller: HP POLY
Lagerbestand: 0
Voraussichtlich verfügbar ab 27.11.2024
Bruttogewicht: 0,010 Kg
EUR 115485.40
ohne USt.

Versandgewicht: 0,010 Kg
Versand mit DHL am nächsten Tag. Versand ab Bestellsumme 50 EUR kostenfrei.

Custom Poly Out of Hours uplift for Video and Immersive Telepresence Services Uplift is 50 percent of Service MSRP


Artikelnummer PRO1063002
Manufacturer HP POLY
ProdClass Software Service & Support
ProdFamily Software
ProdSubclass Software Service & Support


Weight 0,010