Poly 15 credits of training at Poly public classes Credits req... 9822623-TD

Poly 15 credits of training at Poly public classes Credits required for specific courses will vary Valid for 1 yr from date of purchase Not applicable for onsite or customized classes
Artikelnummer: 9822623-TD
Herst. Art. Nr: TR07015005
Hersteller: HP POLY
Lagerbestand: 9876
Lieferung in 2-3 Arbeitstagen
Bruttogewicht: 0,010 Kg
EUR 6383.85
ohne USt.

Versandgewicht: 0,010 Kg
Versand mit DHL am nächsten Tag. Versand ab Bestellsumme 50 EUR kostenfrei.

Poly 15 credits of training at Poly public classes Credits required for specific courses will vary Valid for 1 yr from date of purchase Not applicable for onsite or customized classes


Artikelnummer TR07015005
Manufacturer HP POLY
ProdClass Software Service & Support
ProdFamily Software
ProdSubclass Software Service & Support


Weight 0,010